Advanced git questions for interview

Data Saint Consulting Inc
3 min readAug 5, 2024
Photo by Farhat Altaf on Unsplash

Preparing for an advanced Git interview requires a deep understanding of Git’s core concepts, commands, workflows, and troubleshooting techniques. Here are some advanced Git topics and questions that might be asked in an interview:

1. Git Internals

Question: Explain the structure and purpose of the `.git` directory.

Answer: The `.git` directory is where Git stores all the information about the repository, including configuration, branches, tags, and history. It contains several subdirectories like `objects`, `refs`, `logs`, `hooks`, and files like `HEAD`, `config`, and `index`.

2. Branching and Merging Strategies

Question: Compare different Git branching strategies such as Git Flow, GitHub Flow, and Trunk-Based Development.


  1. Git Flow:Uses multiple long-lived branches (`main`, `develop`) and short-lived branches (`feature`, `release`, `hotfix`). Suitable for projects with scheduled releases and larger teams[2][3].
  2. GitHub Flow: A simpler workflow with a single `main` branch and feature branches. Emphasizes continuous deployment and is suitable for smaller teams or projects with continuous delivery.
  3. Trunk-Based Development: Developers commit…



Data Saint Consulting Inc
Data Saint Consulting Inc

Written by Data Saint Consulting Inc

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